Saturday, November 16, 2013

Royalty shots

When thinking of rodeo royalty, I think of leather, gems, big hair, big hats, boots, and dust. Lots and lots of dust. I started volunteering for the Elizabeth Stampede six years ago and did not start to really take pictures for the royalty group until three years ago. I took the pictures for the royalty clinics and the competitions of the young hopefuls who want to be a queen or attendant for this rodeo. I learned to stay out of the way, to take quiet shots, and to get those special candid shots. These shots really did show who was there because they wanted to be and who was there because they were told to be. The ladies who competed for the titles were diverse in looks but similar in many other ways. All were expert riders, all knew their horses, all were poised. Some were mature, some immature. Some could handle a room full of people, some froze up. Some took direction seriously and some blew it off and did their own thing. You could tell which ones were going to win and go on to be wonderful representatives for the Stampede and those who wouldn't be if they won. I also am starting to learn if I do better with indoor shots or outdoor. I really like outdoor much better.

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